Do you like to write so much that you’ve considered turning it into a career? Then you’ll want to join the Intro to Technical Writing course, provided by OnTarget Communications. No matter what you do after the series, the tools and information that will be provided to the course participants will provide them with the guidance they need to improve the clarity of their written communications and increase the value you offer to an employer!
This online workshop is designed to improve the clarity of your “Technical Communications”. The term “Technical Communications” is wide, and getting wider, as technology evolves. Traditionally, Technical Writers/Authors created “Guides” (mainly User Guides). While that still happens today, it now forms but a small portion of what Technical Communicators do.
Online Kickoff Session: Wed., April 22 19:30-22:00
Remote Session #1: Sunday, April 26 19:30-22:00
Remote Session #2, Sunday, May 3 19:30-22:00
Final Remote Session #3, Wednesday, May 6. 19:30-22:00
Panel of Tech Writers (Online or in Karmiel, depending on what is allowed): Wednesday, May 13, 19:00-21:00
FAQ About Technical Writing & the Course
What types of projects are Technical Writers usually involved in?
User Guides
Installation, Configuration, and Administration Guides
API (Application Programming Interface) Guides
Online Help systems
RFIs (Requests For Information) and RFQs (Request For Quotations)
UI (User Interface) and UX (User Experience)
Video scripts
Training material
Technical sales presentations
What industries typically employ Technical Writers?
Cyber Security
Online Gaming and Commerce
Bio-Medical & Healthcare
Academic institutions
Aeronautics and Space
Water Treatment and Ecosphere
What is the course format?
The course is an online interactive workshop. “Pop-quizzes” and discussions will be used to clarify the material, and questions from the participants are encouraged, both during the sessions, and afterwards.
Prior to the start of the series, participants will be required to send a writing sample (any document, article, presentation they have created) prior to the course (for anonymized discussion during the course).
At the end of the workshop, a small “homework” project will be given. Participants submitting projects and earning a passing grade, will qualify for a completion certificate.
What sort of information will be covered?
• Topic-Based Writing
• Document Structures
• Logical vs. Physical
• Top-down vs. Bottom-up
• Structured vs. Chaotic Information
• Tables of Contents
• Writing Style Suggestions
• Consistency – Styles/Structure/Terminology/Tenses
• Capitalization
• Subject-Verb Agreement
• Punctuation
• Dealing with Genders
• Commonly Misused/Misspelled Terms
• Redundancy
• Understanding Audiences
This series is for NBN Olim. Questions: please contact Shlomit Ben Michael shlomit@nbn.org.il